Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what separates us from the weak...

Yesterday, I was chatting with my sister and I mentioned how tired I was and that I thought I might need to take a nap. Well, right now in school she's writing a speech for one of her assignments and she asked me if I needed a speech-- I said I did. This was her impromptu speech to me--

"Sometimes in our lives, we face adversity. We feel the need to sleep... to rest.. to close our eyes and lay our heads down, for just a second. But do we give in to these superficial urges deemed necessary by our slothish society? NO! It is our responsibility as human beings-- nay, as air breathing, task-accomplishing machines to never sleep, to never blink, to never take our eyes off our computer screens for more than a nanosecond, but to spend our lives working, and struggling to stay awake at all times. It is what separates us from the weak. And may we remain a separated society for all eternity, for I have NOT had a dream."

Anyway, it made me laugh. Also, I didn't take a nap.

Very clever, little sis.

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