Sunday, September 7, 2008

walk like an egyptian

heyy, so this week was kinda crazy! i did some revisions. here's the revised vanilla walk.

and also after reviewing my critique i revised my concerned pose.

ok, so the assignment for this week was a character walk. we were supposed to animate ballie with a personality! fun stuff. nicole really stressed knowing your character this week in class and said that coming up with a backstory for why ballie is walking the way he is would help a lot.

originally, i was going to do a ballerina walk. i thought it would be really fun, i could give ballie long legs and move them a little closer together to make it more feminine. i watched ballets online and then found music to animate to (esmeralda), planned out a walk, did video reference, and started blocking the whole thing out. well, 5 am thursday morning (assignments are always due on sunday) i realized i hated it. i felt like the walk i was doing was missing the point of the assignment. it was turning out to be some weird choreographed dance. so i called the quits. once i woke up again, i decided to go a completely different direction and animate ballie as a 5 year old flower girl walking down the aisle at a wedding. and she didn't know that there were going to be so many people there and they're all watching her! so she's kind of in awe by the whole situation but she knows she's supposed to walk forward.. she can't help but take it all in at the same time.

so that's my story. and here's the blocked out animation..

and the pose for this week was exhaustion. something i know very well.. haha

so the assignment this week is to finish the character walk, splined and everything and then the pose is balance.

we're also supposed to get a personal assessment this week from our mentors so that's pretty cool. anyway, i think i'm gonna get away from the computer for a bit.

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